sabato 1 giugno 2013


NYC, June 2nd 2013

The Philippine Independence Day Parade is a celebration for the Filipino American community in the Northeast United States, home to more than half a million Filipinos. Its main purpose is to create awareness of Philippine culture and to raise funds for charity projects in the USA and the Philippines.
Philippine Independence, as a celebration in America, is largely an invention of the last decade—rather than having distinct cultural significance, the event is instead manufactured as a cultural awareness campaign.

Earlier generations of Filipino immigrants did not celebrate Philippine Independence in significant ways. Philippine Independence is widely celebrated among Filipinos in the United States and is now a major event for many Filipino Americans to rekindle their roots and heritage. The largest among Philippine Independence celebrations in the United States takes place in New York City every first Sunday of June. The Philippine Independence Day Parade in New York City attracts over 100,000 people and is anchored annually by The Filipino Channel or GMA Pinoy TV.
The 2013 Philippine Independence Day Parade in New York City will take place on June 2nd, 2013, at Madison Avenue, following the tradition of the celebration being on the first Sunday of June.

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